

A shifter is a combinational logic circuit which shifts the bits of a value one place to the left or right. The shifter's function is similar to that of a bidirectional shift register. However, the register is a sequential logic circuit and this makes it unsuitable to be used in a function unit.

The basic n-bit shifter design comprises n 2-to-4 multiplexers, one multiplexer per input bit. If we have an n-bit input A, then the multiplexer for bit m is configured as follows:

Input line Input Value
0 A[m]
1 A[m+1]
2 A[m-1]
3 0 (Unused)

The table below shows the meaning of the selection binary code input to the multiplexer in such a configuration:

Selection code Meaning
00 No shift
01 Shift right
10 Shift left
11 Zero output

The only problem with this is what happens at the most and least significant bits. Upon a left shift, we need to give an input to tell the shifter what the new least significant bit should be as there is no A[-1]. Let's call this L. Similarly, Upon a right shift, we need to give an input to tell the shifter what the new most significant bit should be as there is no A[n+1]. Let's call this R. This is probably easier to understand if we rewrite the multiplexer configuration table for the least significant bit case (bit 0):

Input line Input Value
0 A[0]
1 A[1]
2 L
3 0 (Unused)

And the following table is for the most significant bit (bit n):

Input line Input Value
0 A[n]
1 R
2 A[n-1]
3 0 (Unused)


The schematic for a shifter is shown below. To save space, a 3-bit shifter design is shown. Here the shifted output is the 3-bit value Y. The 2-bit input value S is the multiplexer selector.


Below is the Verilog code for a structural model of a 16-bit shifter. The code is also shown for the multiplexer.

module shifter_16(Y, A, S, L, R);
   output [15:0] Y;  // The shifted result.
   input [15:0]  A;  // The value to be shifted.
   input [1:0] 	 S;  // The direction of the shift.
   input 	 L;  // The leftmost bit to shift in.
   input 	 R;  // The rightmost bit to shift in.

   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux0(Y[0], A[0], A[1], L, 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux1(Y[1], A[1], A[2], A[0], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux2(Y[2], A[2], A[3], A[1], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux3(Y[3], A[3], A[4], A[2], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux4(Y[4], A[4], A[5], A[3], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux5(Y[5], A[5], A[6], A[4], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux6(Y[6], A[6], A[7], A[5], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux7(Y[7], A[7], A[8], A[6], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux8(Y[8], A[8], A[9], A[7], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux9(Y[9], A[9], A[10], A[8], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux10(Y[10], A[10], A[11], A[9], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux11(Y[11], A[11], A[12], A[10], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux12(Y[12], A[12], A[13], A[11], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux13(Y[13], A[13], A[14], A[12], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux14(Y[14], A[14], A[15], A[13], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
   multiplexer_4_1 #(1) mux15(Y[15], A[15], R, A[14], 1'b0, S[1], S[0]);
endmodule // shifter_16

module multiplexer_4_1(X, A0, A1, A2, A3, S1, S0);
   parameter WIDTH=16;     // How many bits wide are the lines

   output [WIDTH-1:0] X;   // The output line

   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A3;  // Input line with id 2'b11
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A2;  // Input line with id 2'b10
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A1;  // Input line with id 2'b01
   input [WIDTH-1:0]  A0;  // Input line with id 2'b00
   input 	      S0;  // Least significant selection bit
   input 	      S1;  // Most significant selection bit

   assign X = (S1 == 0 
	       ? (S0 == 0 
		  ? A0       // {S1,S0} = 2'b00
		  : A1)      // {S1,S0} = 2'b01
	       : (S0 == 0 
		  ? A2       // {S1,S0} = 2'b10
		  : A3));    // {S1,S0} = 2'b11		  
endmodule // multiplexer_4_1

When given test inputs, the 16-bit shifter generated the following waveform:


Mano, M. Morris, and Kime, Charles R. Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, 2000.
