
Equivalence of Substitution Based Dynamic and Environment Based Dynamic Semantics (proof)

We can prove the equivalence of substitution based dynamic semantics and environment based dynamic semantics with a structural induction proof. Before we can prove this, our main result, we need to prove a lemma.


Our lemma states that

e,x,n⇒se'∧e'⇒n' ⇔ {(x,n)}⊢e⇔n'

Which means that substituting a number, n, for a variable, x, in an expression will give the same result when evaluated with the substitution semantics as if the appropriate pair, (x,n), was in the environment and the expression was evaluated with the environment semantics. The proof is a simple one by structural induction on the expression e.



Hence the result is established by structural induction.

Main Proof

Our main claim is that

	∀e∈Exp,x∈Var,n∈N: e⇒n ⇔ {}⊢e⇒n

The proof is a simple one by structural induction on the expression e.



Hence the result is established by structural induction.


R. Burstall. Language Semantics and Implementation. Course Notes. 1994.
