Krivine's machine is an abstract machine for the evaluation of the nameless λ-calculus. The Λ-terms are evaluated with a normal order reduction strategy until weak head normal form, i.e. the machine is weakly normalising. Probably the simplest possible lambda calculus machine, its definition using a terminal transition system has only four transition rules.
The state of the machine consists of three components:
, andS
.The term register holds the Λ-term that is being evaluated. The temporary stack has term and environment pairs pushed onto, and popped from, it. These pairs are called suspensions. The environment stack contains all of the arguments of the applications which are currently being evaluated. It works in a similar fashion to the nested environments used in programming languages. Each argument is stored as part of a suspension. This is a delayed substitution as the argument is evaluated, using the environment stored with it in the substitution, only when, and if, the arugment is needed.
The transition relation between configurations is ⇒
It is defined by the rules below.
In these rules the concatenation operator (|
) is used to build stacks.
If S
is a stack, then [s|S]
is the same stack but with s
pushed onto it.
The empty stack is []
An application of e1
and e2
is written as
The initial state for term T
is 〈[],T,[]〉
A final state has the same form.
Environment Lookup 1 | 〈[(E1,e)|E],#0,S〉⇒〈E1,e,S〉 |
Environment Lookup 2 | 〈[X|E],#(n+1),S〉⇒〈E,#n,S〉 |
Suspension | 〈E,@(e0,e1),S〉⇒〈E,e0,[(E, e1)|S]〉 |
Delayed Substitution | 〈E,(Λe),[s|S]〉⇒〈[s|E],e,S〉 |
The following is an implementation of Krivine's machine written in Barry's Prolog. It should run on any ISO compliant Prolog system.
%%% Set up the operators.
:- op(0, xfx, (=>)).
:- op(200, xfx, (=>)).
:- op(0, fx, ('Λ')).
:- op(160, fx, ('Λ')).
:- op(0, fx, (#)).
:- op(150, fx, (#)).
%%% The transition rules.
([{Env, Exp}|_], #0, Stack) => (Env, Exp, Stack).
([_|Rest], #N, Stack) => (Rest, #M, Stack) :- M is N-1.
(Env, @(Operator, Operand), Stack) => (Env, Operator, [{Env, Operand}|Stack]).
(Env, 'Λ' Exp, [Top|Tail]) => ([Top|Env], Exp, Tail).
%%% initial_state(+C, ?S)
%%% Succeeds if S is the state that corresponds to the configuration
%%% which will execute C with an empty environment.
initial_state(Code, ([], Code, [])).
%%% final_state(+S, ?R)
%%% Succeeds if the state S is a final state with result R.
final_state(([], T, []), T).
%%% krivine(+S, ?R)
%%% Succeeds if Krivine's machine transitions from S to a final
%%% state with result R. This is the transitive closure of the
%%% transition relation.
krivine(State0, Result) :-
State0 => State1,
krivine(State1, Result).
krivine(State, Result) :-
final_state(State, Result).
Finally a small test.
%%% test.
%%% Should give Λ#0 as the result.
test :-
initial_state(@('Λ' @(#0, #0),'Λ' #0), Start),
krivine(Start, Finish),
print(Finish), nl.
W. Kluge. Abstract Computing Machines. A Lambda Calculus Perspective. Springer, 2005.
Copyright © 2014 Barry Watson. All rights reserved.