

Resolution is a single rule refutation technique for deciding the satisfiability of propositional formulas in clausal form.

Consider two clausal forms A and B. If there is a literal, L, such that LA and ¬LB, then the clause (A-{L}) ∪ (B-{¬L}) is called the resolvent of A and B with respect to L. Given a set of clauses, resolution is the repeated generation of resolvents using the set elements or previously generated resolvents. This process continues until either the empty clause is generated or no more new resolvents can be created.

It can be shown that the resolvent of two clausal forms is a logical consequence of those forms. From this we can show that any number of applications of the resolution rule is sound by induction on the number of applications. We can also show that resolution is complete. So, if a clausal form is unsatisfiable, resolution will derive the empty clause (the clause which cannot be satisfied). As resolution is a refutation technique, our goal will be to derive the empty clause.

We can see a propositional derivation of a clause C from a set of clauses S using resolution as the forming of a tree T such that

  1. C is the root of T,
  2. every leaf of T belongs to S,
  3. every non-leaf node N has children N1 and N2 and N is the resolvent of N1 and N2.

The following is such a tree which shows that the set of clauses {{A}, {¬A, B}, {¬B}} derives the empty clause, , which means the set is unsatisfiable.


The resolution algorithm involves the repeated generation of resolvents until the empty clause is generated which would indicate success. Failure is indicated when all possible resolvents have been formed without generating the empty clause.


The following Prolog code can be found in the examples directory of the Barry's Prolog distribution.

First we fix a set of operators which we will need to represent the formulas of propositional logic.

:-op(200, fy, ~).                   % Negation
:-op(0, yfx, (/\)).
:-op(400, xfy, (/\)).               % Conjunction (not ISO associativity which is yfx)
:-op(0, yfx, (\/)).
:-op(500, xfy, (\/)).               % Disjunction (not ISO associativity which is yfx)
:-op(600, xfy, =>).                 % Implication
:-op(700, xfy, <=>).                % Equivalence

The procedure pl_negate(A, B) succeeds if A is the negation of B.

pl_negate(true, false)  :- !.
pl_negate(false, true)  :- !.
pl_negate(~A, A) :- !.
pl_negate(A, ~A).

The procedure pl_resolve(ClausesIn, PairsIn, PairsOut, ClausesOut) succeeds if a propositional resolvent can be formed from two clauses in ClausesIn. ClausesOut is ClausesIn with the resolvent added. We take care here to not form resolvents we have already formed as this would be a waste of effort. The PairsIn argument is a list of sorted pairs of clauses that have been used to generate a resolvent. The PairsOut argument is PairsIn with the new pair added to the head of the list.

pl_resolve(ClausesIn, PairsIn, PairsOut, ClausesOut) :-
	member(A, ClausesIn),
	member(Atom, A),
	pl_negate(Atom, NegAtom),
	member(B, ClausesIn),
	member(NegAtom, B),
	(A @< B, \+ member(A-B, PairsIn), PairsOut = [A-B|PairsIn]
    ;   A @>= B, \+ member(B-A, PairsIn), PairsOut = [B-A|PairsIn]),
	ord_subtract(A, [Atom], RestA),
	ord_subtract(B, [NegAtom], RestB),
	ord_union(RestA, RestB, Resolvent),
	ord_union([Resolvent], ClausesIn, ClausesOut),

The procedure pl_resolution_loop(Clauses) succeeds if Clauses can derive the empty clause which would be a refutation. The empty clause is just the empty list - []. Basically, we just keep applying the resolution rule until we cannot apply it any more.

pl_resolution_loop(Clauses, _) :-
	member([], Clauses),
pl_resolution_loop(Clauses, Pairs) :-
	pl_resolve(Clauses, Pairs, NewPairs, NewClauses),
	pl_resolution_loop(NewClauses, NewPairs).


The procedure pl_remove_all_false_atoms(ClausesIn, ClausesOut) removes all of the false atoms from the clauses. ClausesOut is the clausal form ClausesIn where all false atoms have been removed. The false atom has no meaning for us in a disjunction. Remember that (A \/ false) <=> A. Getting rid of them before we search for a refutation would save time and energy.

pl_remove_all_false_atoms([], []) :- !.
pl_remove_all_false_atoms([H|T], [NewH|NewT]) :-
	ord_subtract(H, [false], NewH),
	pl_remove_all_false_atoms(T, NewT).


The procedure pl_resolution(Formula) Succeeds if Formula can be refuted. We first translate into conjunctive normal form (CNF), then into clausal form, then we remove all false atoms. We are then ready to resolve with pl_resolution_loop/2

pl_resolution(Formula) :-
	cnf_transform(Formula, CNF),
	pl_clausal_form(CNF, Clauses0),
	pl_remove_all_false_atoms(Clauses0, Clauses1),
	pl_resolution_loop(Clauses1, []).

The procedure pl_resolution_tautology(Formula) succeeds if Formula is a tautology. As resolution is a refutation technique, we succeed if the negation of Formula derives the empty clause.

pl_resolution_tautology(Formula) :-


Doets, Kees From Logic to Logic Programming. MIT Press, 1994.
