A first-order formula is said to be in Prenex Normal Form (PNF)
if it has the form Q0...Qn-1φ
where Qi
is a either a universal or existential quantifier, and φ
is a formula that contains no quantifiers.
The sequence Q0...Qn-1
is known as the prefix
and φ
is known as the matrix.
Every formula has an equivalent in PNF.
∀x.∀y.foo(x) ∨ ¬foo(y)
∃x.∀y.∃z. foo(x,y,z)
There are several different methods for transforming an arbitrary formula into PNF. The following is one of the simplest. This is essentially the method shown in Doets. It has three sets of transformation rules which are to be applied until they can be applied no more:
) and equivalence
) by rewriting using the following equivalences:
φ ⇒ ψ
is equivalent to ¬φ ∨ ψ
φ ⇔ ψ
is equivalent to (¬φ ∨ ψ) ∧ (φ ∨ ¬ψ)
) inside subformulas as far as possible, applying De Morgan's law where possible, and eliminate double negations.
We also handle the negation of the propositional constants.
We do this by rewriting with the following equivalences:
is equivalent to φ
¬(φ ∧ ψ)
is equivalent to ¬φ ∨ ¬ψ
¬(φ ∨ ψ)
is equivalent to ¬φ ∧ ¬ψ
is equivalent to f
is equivalent to t
is the formula φ
where each
free occurrence of the variable
is replaced by y
. In this case y
is a fresh variable, i.e., not
used elsewhere in the formula.
becomes ∃x.¬φ
becomes ∀x.¬φ
(∀x.φ ∧ ψ)
becomes ∀y.(φ[x/y] ∧ ψ)
(φ ∧ ∀x.ψ)
becomes ∀y.(φ ∧ ψ[x/y])
(∃x.φ ∧ ψ)
becomes ∃y.(φ[x/y] ∧ ψ)
(φ ∧ ∃x.ψ)
becomes ∃y.(φ ∧ ψ[x/y])
(∀x.φ ∨ ψ)
becomes ∀y.(φ[x/y] ∨ ψ)
(φ ∨ ∀x.ψ)
becomes ∀y.(φ ∨ ψ[x/y])
(∃x.φ ∨ ψ)
becomes ∃y.(φ[x/y] ∨ ψ)
(φ ∨ ∃x.ψ)
becomes ∃y.(φ ∨ ψ[x/y])
The following code can be found in the examples directory of the Barry's Prolog distribution.
First we fix a set of operators which we will need to represent the formulas of first-order logic.
:-op(200, fy, ~). % Negation
:-op(400, xfy, (/\)). % Conjunction (not ISO associativity which is yfx)
:-op(500, xfy, (\/)). % Disjunction (not ISO associativity which is yfx)
:-op(600, xfy, =>). % Implication
:-op(700, xfy, <=>). % Equivalence
The predicate pnf_rewrite_connectives(+A, ?B)
takes the formula
and rewrites it to B
so that an implication
Phi => Psi
is replaced by ~Phi \/ Psi
and an equivalance Phi <=> Psi
is replaced by (~Phi \/ Psi) /\ (Phi \/ ~Psi)
pnf_rewrite_connectives(~A0, ~A1) :-
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0, A1).
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0 /\ B0, A1 /\ B1) :-
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0, A1),
pnf_rewrite_connectives(B0, B1).
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0 \/ B0, A1 \/ B1) :-
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0, A1),
pnf_rewrite_connectives(B0, B1).
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0 => B0, ~A1 \/ B1) :-
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0, A1),
pnf_rewrite_connectives(B0, B1).
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0 <=> B0, (~A1 \/ B1) /\ (A1 \/ ~B1)) :-
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A0, A1),
pnf_rewrite_connectives(B0, B1).
pnf_rewrite_connectives(forall(X, F0), forall(X, F1)) :-
pnf_rewrite_connectives(F0, F1).
pnf_rewrite_connectives(exists(X, F0), exists(X, F1)) :-
pnf_rewrite_connectives(F0, F1).
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A, A).
The predicate pnf_push_negation(+A, -B)
rewrites the formula A
to B
using the following equivalences:
~(~A) <=> A
~(A /\ B) <=> ~A \/ ~B
(De Morgan)~(A \/ B) <=> ~A /\ ~B
(De Morgan)~forall(X, F) <=> exists(X, ~F)
~exists(X, F) <=> forall(X, ~F)
~false <=> true
~true <=> false
The negations are pushed down the formula as much as possible.
pnf_push_negation(~(~A0), A1) :-
pnf_push_negation(A0, A1).
pnf_push_negation(~(A0 /\ B0), A1 \/ B1) :-
pnf_push_negation(~A0, A1),
pnf_push_negation(~B0, B1).
pnf_push_negation(~(A0 \/ B0), A1 /\ B1) :-
pnf_push_negation(~A0, A1),
pnf_push_negation(~B0, B1).
pnf_push_negation(A0 /\ B0, A1 /\ B1) :-
pnf_push_negation(A0, A1),
pnf_push_negation(B0, B1).
pnf_push_negation(A0 \/ B0, A1 \/ B1) :-
pnf_push_negation(A0, A1),
pnf_push_negation(B0, B1).
pnf_push_negation(~ forall(X, F0), exists(X, F1)) :-
pnf_push_negation(~F0, F1).
pnf_push_negation(~ exists(X, F0), forall(X, F1)) :-
pnf_push_negation(~F0, F1).
pnf_push_negation(~ true, false) :- !.
pnf_push_negation(~ false, true) :- !.
pnf_push_negation(A, A).
After a call of pnf_rewrite_variable(+F, +V, +W, -Result)
is the formula F
where every free occurrence of the variable V
is rewritten to W
pnf_rewrite_variable(F, V, W, W) :-
F == V,
pnf_rewrite_variable(F, _, _, F) :-
% F \== V,
pnf_rewrite_variable(~A0, V, W, ~A1) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(A0, V, W, A1).
pnf_rewrite_variable(A0 /\ B0, V, W, A1 /\ B1) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(A0, V, W, A1),
pnf_rewrite_variable(B0, V, W, B1).
pnf_rewrite_variable(A0 \/ B0, V, W, A1 \/ B1) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(A0, V, W, A1),
pnf_rewrite_variable(B0, V, W, B1).
pnf_rewrite_variable(exists(X, F), V, _, exists(X, F)) :-
X == V,
pnf_rewrite_variable(exists(X, F0), V, W, exists(X, F1)) :-
% X \== V,
pnf_rewrite_variable(F0, V, W, F1).
pnf_rewrite_variable(forall(X, F), V, _, forall(X, F)) :-
X == V,
pnf_rewrite_variable(forall(X, F0), V, W, forall(X, F1)) :-
% X \== V,
pnf_rewrite_variable(F0, V, W, F1).
pnf_rewrite_variable(Predicate0, V, W, Predicate1) :-
Predicate0 =.. [F|Args0],
pnf_rewrite_variable_in_args(Args0, V, W, Args1),
Predicate1 =.. [F|Args1].
After calling pnf_rewrite_variable_in_args(+Args, +V, +W, -RewrittenArgs)
every free occurrence of V
in the list Args
is rewritten to W
the result RewrittenArgs
pnf_rewrite_variable_in_args([], _, _, []) :- !.
pnf_rewrite_variable_in_args([H0|T0], V, W, [H1|T1]) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(H0, V, W, H1),
pnf_rewrite_variable_in_args(T0, V, W, T1).
In the predicate pnf_pull_quantifier(+Phi, -Psi)
the formula Psi
is equivalent to the formula Phi
but has had a quantifier
pulled out one level of the formula structure.
pnf_pull_quantifier(forall(X, Phi0) /\ Psi, forall(Y, Phi1 /\ Psi)) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(Phi0, X, Y, Phi1).
pnf_pull_quantifier(Phi /\ forall(X, Psi0), forall(Y, Phi /\ Psi1)) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(Psi0, X, Y, Psi1).
pnf_pull_quantifier(forall(X, Phi0) \/ Psi, forall(Y, Phi1 \/ Psi)) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(Phi0, X, Y, Phi1).
pnf_pull_quantifier(Phi \/ forall(X, Psi0), forall(Y, Phi \/ Psi1)) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(Psi0, X, Y, Psi1).
pnf_pull_quantifier(exists(X, Phi0) /\ Psi, exists(Y, Phi1 /\ Psi)) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(Phi0, X, Y, Phi1).
pnf_pull_quantifier(Phi /\ exists(X, Psi0), exists(Y, Phi /\ Psi1)) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(Psi0, X, Y, Psi1).
pnf_pull_quantifier(exists(X, Phi0) \/ Psi, exists(Y, Phi1 \/ Psi)) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(Phi0, X, Y, Phi1).
pnf_pull_quantifier(Phi \/ exists(X, Psi0), exists(Y, Phi \/ Psi1)) :-
pnf_rewrite_variable(Psi0, X, Y, Psi1).
pnf_pull_quantifier(forall(X, F1), forall(X, F2)) :-
pnf_pull_quantifier(F1, F2).
pnf_pull_quantifier(exists(X, F1), exists(X, F2)) :-
pnf_pull_quantifier(F1, F2).
pnf_pull_quantifier(A0 /\ B, A1 /\ B) :-
pnf_pull_quantifier(A0, A1),
pnf_pull_quantifier(A /\ B0, A /\ B1) :-
pnf_pull_quantifier(B0, B1),
pnf_pull_quantifier(A0 /\ B, A1 /\ B) :-
pnf_pull_quantifier(A0, A1),
pnf_pull_quantifier(A /\ B0, A /\ B1) :-
pnf_pull_quantifier(B0, B1).
The predicate
pnf_pull_all_quantifiers(+Formula, -Result)
gives use
which is Formula
where all quantifiers have been pulled out.
pnf_pull_all_quantifiers(F0, F2) :-
pnf_pull_quantifier(F0, F1),
pnf_pull_all_quantifiers(F1, F2).
pnf_pull_all_quantifiers(F, F).
The predicate pnf_transform(+Phi, -Psi)
is the entrypoint.
here the formula Psi
is a prenex normal form of formula Psi
pnf_transform(A, D) :-
pnf_rewrite_connectives(A, B),
pnf_push_negation(B, C),
pnf_pull_all_quantifiers(C, D).
Chang, C-L, Lee, R C-T. Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem Proving. Academic Press, 1973.
Doets, Kees. From Logic to Logic Programming. MIT Press, 1994.
Fitting, Melvin. First-Order Logic and Automated Theorem Proving. Springer, 1990.
Harrison, John. Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning. Cambridge, 2009.
Copyright © 2016 Barry Watson. All rights reserved.